Monday, September 30, 2019

Gris Grimly’s Frankenstein by Mary Shelley” Essay

Robert Walton writes numerous letters to his sister, who is presently in England about his endeavors at the North Pole. He is currently stuck as the water has since been overridden by ice, making it impossible for him and his crew to continue his dangerous mission. Although his progress was positive at the beginning, he is now unable to move forward because of the ice. It is during this period that the captain meets with Victor, who has been weakened by the ice and is almost dead of cold. Walton the nurses Victor back to health, and hears the tale about the monster that victor has created. Victor, who is a brilliant man, has discovered the secret of life itself and had consequently created his own monster, but as a result of his actions, he fears that the monster will ruin the lives of the people he cares about as well as his. Character Development, Victor, his Father and the Monster                   At the beginning, Victor is an innocent loving boy who is full of life and surrounded by loved ones. As a young boy, he lives with his father, plays with his brother and friend and also loves his future wife Elizabeth. The turn of events occurs when victor’s brilliance in chemistry and his curiosity about life forces him to reanimate a dead body. Throughout the novel, victor changes step by step and the grief he encounters due to the loss of loved ones fuel his heart with hate and remorse. From a young scientist filled with prospects of great future to a guilt-ridden man filled with anger and revenge. As a young boy, victor spent his youth in Geneva. His life as a young person was fulfilling with the loving accompany of his loving sister Elizabeth and his best friend Henry. Upon being of age, Victor enrolls at the University of Ingolstadt, where he studies chemistry and natural philosophy. Being a curios and brilliant person, he is overwhelmed by the unknown knowledge of life and, therefore, revolts his life to finding the true origin of life. Victor then spends his whole time in research with the hope to discover the secret of life. After many years of research, he is able to discover the basics of life. According to (Janowitz and William 938), Victor’s ambition to create life blinds the moral obligations that he should have felt about creating a monster without human emotion and characteristics. Notable, Victor does not evaluate the consequences that might arise as a result of his action. He just spends time creating a creature with the knowledge that he has gained. He uses dead parts of a human body to put together the creature and reanimates him later. The creature, however, does not look as appealing as he expected. The sight of him fills Victor with horror and disgust. Victor is disappointed with his work and becomes contemptuous of the creature. With the creature trying to understand the meaning of the behavior being exhibited by his creator, victor becomes more afraid and runs from him scared and remorseful. According to Vargo (417) the use of dead parts to create a living thing sheds message that the expected creation would not behavior like a normal person. Victor should have recognized that his endeavor would only lead to more death. After creation of the monster, he feels remorseful and decides to return home. Woolley (46) observes that his wish to return home would maybe reconnect him after losing touch with humanity. So, he decides that since the monster has disappeared, he should also return to his family to nurse his remorse and poor health back to normal. However, victor receives an unexpected letter from his father explaining that his brother has been murdered. Victor now rushes home, remorseful as ever to support his family at this moment of grief. As he is about to arrive, he sees the monster he created looming the woods where is brother was killed. With this knowledge, Victor believes that the monster must have killed him. To make matters worse, Victor arrives to find that his adopted sister, a gentle and kind person, is being accused of the crime that his monster dis. She is consequently executed although Victor knows the real murderer. Victor now grows more remorseful and guilty for his actions becaus e he knows that his actions have led t the death of two of his beloved ones. According to 5865, this is the point where Victor begins to get sense of the consequences of his actions. He created death, so death follows him. Levine (490) notes that people tend to run away from their actions’ outcomes after they see that they are not desirable. Instead of dealing with the situation, Victor grief overpowers him and he is unable to withstand the sorrow at his home at Geneva. He decides that it is best to stay away from home by taking a vacation in the mountains; since he knows that the monster is probably tracking him; he knows that by staying away from home the monster would also follow him, and leave the family alone. While at the mountains, the monster approaches Victor and tries to beg for attention. It is evident that the monster is disappointed by the fact that Victor left it after creation. He admits to killing Victor’s brother, and asks that Victor understand his reasons. He says that the death of Victor’s brother William was a payback for leaving him to rot. With this, he asks victor to create another one like him so that he can be happy around someone who understood him, and w ho would not abandon him like Victor did. He says; â€Å"‘I am alone and miserable: man will not associate with me; but one as deformed and horrible as myself would not deny herself to me. My companion must be of the same species and have the same defects. This being you must create'† (Shelley and Maurice 129). His action of acting god, which is pure inhumanness, haunts him from the moment he creates the monster. His obsession to act as a creator finally ruins his life as well as the lives of the people that he cares about. Eventually, Victor changes from a human with feelings to become a person without feelings just as the creature that he created. The basics of human feeling are family and friends. The monster, seeing that victor does not care about him, sought to make him like he is, in an effort to make Victor understand the situation of being in solitude. With this, Victor falls for the monsters please and weighs the odds of creating a second monster, and refuses to grant the creature his wish to have a companion. However, the monster pleads and persuades him until he agrees to make the second, female monster to act as a companion to the first monster. He takes his friend Henry and return to England to prepare the necessary materials and information required for the creation of the female monster. Victor starts the work at a secluded island in company of the monster and is almost done when he feels that his actions are against moral expectations. He, therefore, destroys his progress attracting an outrage from the monster who in turn vows to destroy everything he loves. He even swears to kill Victor’s lover during his wedding night. In this, it is evident that Victor realized and regained his moral ground way too late. At this point, he will have to endure consequences for his actions (Vargo 419). The fist revenge the monster has on victor is killing of his best friend, Henry. When Victor travels to dump the remains of the second monster, He returns in the morning only to be arrested and accused of murdering his own friend. This occurrence finally drives victor to the edge. Losing his humanity is the only thing preventing Victor from becoming the monster he has created (Choice Reviews Online 32). He realizes that Henry was killed by the monster after the fallout they had the previous day. Although he denies having killed his friend, Victor is imprisoned for the time being as investigations are conducted. Overcome by grief of losing the people that he loved the most due to the consequences of his actions, Victor falls sick in the prisons where he is nursed back to health and acquitted. At this point, Victor returns with his father to Geneva, and marries the woman he loves, Elizabeth. (Woolley 50) notes that Elizabeth and Victor’s father are the only things holding him from truly becoming a monster. The monster knows that killing Victor wife would bring them closer. However, although he still remembers the words of the monster about visiting him on his wedding night and sends his bride away to avoid a confrontation. Despite this, the monster catches up with Elizabeth and kills her. At this point, Victor’s father, who has lost many people as well is unable to overcome his grief and dies shortly after the death of Elizabeth. Having lost his wife, his brother, his sister, his father and also his friend to the monster, he vows that it is time to exact revenge. Victor’s father, who was his source of comfort, is now dead, and so are his advices and encouragement. The hunter becomes the hunted as he runs from Victor, who is now murderous after losing his family and friends to the monster. Victor has not undergone a complete metamorphosis and turned into a monster. With no family, friends or siblings, Victor is now as lonely as the monster. The grief, anger, pain and remorse have now exhausted his feeling and behavior of a human being. At one point he almost gets to him but the monster is saved by the sea as the ice cracks and separates them with a gap. At this point, Victor is found by the captain Walton, as he travels through the ice and is almost dead of cold. This story, as the writer intends, enables the reader to have multiple interpretations of the actions of Victor. With these, the reader can decide either to think that Victor was a mad scientist, who crossed human boundaries without concern or an adventurer who lack responsibility of his actions. Either way, the reader can related to the process of Victor turning into his own creation. When Walton meets Victor, he is weak and almost dead of cold for travelling many days in the ice. Unlike the monster, he is human and unable to endure the cold. Walton tries his best to nurse Victor but later he succumbs to death. Walton, having heard the stories of the monster’s cruel acts is astonished to find him weeping over Victor’s body. He tells Walton that now that Victor is dead, he has no one else in this world. He recounts is suffering, remorse, solitude and hatred and concludes that he can now die as his creator has. At this point, he departs to the northernmost cold region to die. It is at this point that the reader finally experiences the solitude of the creature. The creature is Victor’s creation, gathered from old body parts and weird chemicals, energized by a puzzling flash. He enters life as a grown up and immensely strong yet with the psyche of an infant. Relinquished by his maker and befuddled, he tries to bond himself into society, just to be disregarded by everyone. Looking in the mirror, he understands his physical bizarreness, a part of his being that blinds world to his delicate, innocent nature. He mentions that; â€Å"‘When I looked around I saw and heard of none like me. Was I, the, a monster, a blot upon the earth from which all men fled and whom all men disowned?'† (Shelley and Maurice 105 Looking for reprisal on his maker, he executes Victor’s youthful sibling. After Victor wrecks his work on the female beast intended to facilitate the creature’s acceptance to the society, the beast murders Victor’s closest companion and afterward his wife Elizabeth. While Victor feels great disdain for his creation, the beast demonstrates that he is not a malicious being. The creature’s articulate portrayal of occasions (as given by Victor) uncovers his surprising affection and kindheartedness. He helps a gathering of poor laborers and saves a young lady from drowning, but since of his outward appearance, he is remunerated just with beatings and disdain; torn in the middle of vindictiveness and empathy, the beast winds up forlorn and tormented by regret. Indeed the demise of his inventor turned-would-be-destroyer offers just ambivalent alleviation: delight on the grounds that Victor has created him so much enduring, trouble on the grounds that Victor is the main individual with whom he has had any kind of relationship. Conclusion                   In conclusion, the characters of Victor and his father are different from that of the monster, which has no family and friends. The only person who understood his existence, his creator Victor turned his back on him after he created him. Victor realized that his actions were immoral and that he was not supposed to create a monster. The plot develops the character of both Victor and his father to align with that of the monster. With time, the monster ruins the life of Victor just as his suspected by killing his family and best friend. In the end, Victor is filled with hate, remorse and anger just like the monster and dies a bitter man. References Coats, Karen. â€Å"Gris Grimly’s Frankenstein by Mary Shelley.† Bulletin of the Center for Children’s Books: 113-14. Print. Janowitz, Anne F., and William Veeder. â€Å"Mary Shelley and Frankenstein: The Fate of Androgyny.† The Modern Language Review: 938. Print. Levine, George. â€Å"Mary Shelley: Collected Tales and Stories. Charles E. Robinson Mary Shelley’s Monster: The Story of â€Å"Frankenstein.† Martin Tropp.† Nineteenth-Century Fiction: 486-91. Print. Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft, and Maurice Hindle. Frankenstein, Or, The Modern Prometheus. Rev. ed. London: Penguin, 2003. Print. â€Å"The Other Mary Shelley: Beyond Frankenstein.† Choice Reviews Online (1994): 31-36. Print. Vargo, Lisa. â€Å"Mary Shelley Studies: From â€Å"Author of Frankenstein† To â€Å"the Great Work Of Life†Ã¢â‚¬  Literature Compass: 417-28. Print. Woolley, Rachel. â€Å"Syndy M. Conger, Frederick S. Frank, and Gregory O’Dea, Eds., Iconoclastic Departures: Mary Shelley After ‘Frankenstein’ – Essays in Honor of the Bicentenary of Mary Shelley’s Birth. Madison and London: Associated University Presses, 1997. ISBN: 0-8386-36.† Romanticism on the Net. Print. Source document

Mining Group Gold Essay

Introduction Thomas Kayser, author of Mining Gold: How to Cash in on the Collaborative Brain Power of a Team for Innovation and Results, stated in his book â€Å"If you can’t or won’t take the time to do the simple preparatory work, you haven’t earned the right to convene a group session.† Kayser developed a way for teams to collectively combine all efforts in a meeting. He named this method Mining Group Gold. Five Basic Steps According to FUNDAMENTALS, Kayser has set five basic steps for Mining Group Gold. These steps are: Determining the purpose of the session. Determining the desired outcomes of the session. Determining who will be the facilitator, scribe, and time keeper of the meeting. According to Trenton Hightower, there should also be a primary and secondary facilitator. The Primary Facilitator focuses on the group dynamics, controls the flow of the meetings, and when distractions occur the primary facilitator is in charge of intervening. The Secondary Facilitator is everyone in the group because they are responsible for creating a productive group session. The Timekeeper monitors how long each task takes to accomplish. The Scribe keeps track of what is being said on flip charts that can be hung on the wall for future reference. Determining the agenda. Allocating a time for each agenda item. Dealing with Emotion Kayser mentions in his book that there is a process to be taken when dealing with emotions called â€Å"Feelings-Facts-Solutions.† FUNDAMENTALS gives examples of how to properly deal with each of these steps, and they are: Feelings: Accepting, acknowledging, and processing feelings in a way that the team can move on to facts. One way that is suggested is to have every member in the group write down how they feel. Each group member will then present it to the group and they will work together to solve the problem. Facts: Objectively generate and develop facts that can be used to identify and  analyze problems. Solutions: Generate potential solutions, and make decisions as a group on a way of implementing and evaluating the solutions. Improving Teamwork I believe that Mining Group Gold is a great way to work on building team work within a team because it allows for everyone in the group to voice their opinions and feelings, and not just one person controls the whole meeting. It also allows for great communication for these same reasons. Everyone is able to share how they are feeling with the group, and everyone is expected to participate in creating solutions to any problems that might arise. Citations Effective Meetings: Part 1- The Fundamentals. Facilitating a Meeting. (p. 30-31) Received August 16, 2014 from Hightower, Trenton. Mining Group Gold: A Cooperative Approach to Meeting Effectiveness.. Received August 16, 2014 from Kayser, Thomas. (2011). Mining Group Gold, Third Edition: How to Cash in on the Collaborative Brain Power of a Team for Innovation and Results. McGraw Hill Professional.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Renaissance Choir Finance Management System

I will be making a system for the accounts of Renaissance Choir. Renaissance Choir are based in Emsworth and have 29 members. They sing at many events throughout the year and sometimes in Chichester Cathedral. They meet weekly. Statement of Problem Renaissance Choir require a system to manage their finances. It must be flexible and easy to use, so that anyone could come along and use it, without previous knowledge. Schedule of Activities Section Weeks Specification 1.5 Implementation 3 Testing 1.5 Evaluation 1 User Documentation 1 Total 8 Background The current system is based on two books containing input and output for the choir. All entries are written into the book by hand, and the books have to be carried to meetings when necessary and this is not very convenient, and rather slow. A computerised system would be more efficient. The system needs to deal with petty cash, as a constant amount is usually kept as a float or for occasions where cash is required and not a cheque or other method of payment. Overview As the system needs to contain columns of data, a spreadsheet would be most appropriate. I would use Excel, as I am well acquainted with it and it has many useful features that I can use to my advantage. My system would be composed of several sheets- a main sheet with buttons to move between sheets, then other sheets for data entry, listing the entries and making graphs and pivot table reports. Each sheet would have a button to link back to the main menu, and to other relevant sheets. For instance the data entry screen would have a button to submit the data into the spreadsheet, which would activate a macro and move the data. It would also have a button to move to the data-listing screen, which would have a button to link back. The graph page would have a button that would create a graph, and another to clear it. The exit button on the main screen may also clear the graph as well as exiting. Interview and Research Summary I gave a questionnaire to my end user, who filled it in. This has given me much background and other useful information, that can be used to help produce the system. Volume of Data The system will be updated on a weekly basis, so it must be relatively easy to add, delete and change records, as it will be used so frequently. However, cheques need to be paid in at random intervals, and the system will need to recalculate totals and other formulae after each of these events. It must also be able to cope with petty cash, which can fluctuate. Problems with the Current System Problems with the current system are its inability to transfer data easily between the two books and the balance sheet, the fact that it is slow and rather inefficient, due to having two heavy books to carry around. Hardware Full Potential To get good performance from the system, the requirements would be: 200 MHz processor speed 16 MB Ram 16 Bit colour graphics or better Software Full Potential The features of Excel that I will use to create the system are: macros, buttons and controls, formulae, charts, pivot table reports, visual basic, linked workbooks and Input and Output The user will enter data every week. The volume of data entered will depend upon how many events were held in that month, as each event will probably have inputs to the system in income and expenditure. At the end of each month and at the end of the year, the data will be summarised and the summary probably printed. Also, the system will process the lists of data to produce sub-totals and totals over different time spans. User Skill Level My end user is pretty skilled with computers, as she uses them in her work frequently. Therefore the system will not have to explain basic computer functions or other very basic ideas in the user guide, and the technical guide can be pretty complicated. Software Use I will produce the system, but on the main page I will hide the gridlines. I may do this on other pages as well, so that unnecessary gridlines are not shown- if I want gridlines to be shown, then borders can be put around required cells where tables are required. Also, anything that shouldn't be altered (e.g. integral system parts) will be protected to prevent alteration. There will be macros to do things like moving between sheets and adding records. Objectives to Perform My end user wants the system to be able to: * Hold both income and expenditure in one place * Cope with petty cash that is used for floats at events and other purposes * Be able to transfer data between sections easily * Produce graphs and charts of the data * Produce summaries of the data Performance Indicators * Must be able to open relatively quickly, even on lower spec machines * Must be able to contain a large volume of data while still retaining a file size below 100 kilobytes * It must be relatively easy and quick to enter data or perform other operations * It must be relatively difficult to make mistakes while entering data (using drop-down lists, buttons, macros etc) * It must be easy to get to specific sections * It must be foolproof- e.g. impossible to alter critical system aspects * It must be possible to alter the structure of the database when necessary

Friday, September 27, 2019

Slavery History Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Slavery History - Research Paper Example One of the major similarities among the lives of the two women was that both emerged successfully from dark shadows of slavery and managed to attain and play leadership roles. Sojourner Truth and Harriet Tubman had deep faith in god’s power to prevent them from going astray and to protect them from danger. Moreover, both women realized the importance and influence of music and considered it an effective means of communication. Both women were well known for the fact that they strongly believed in their premonitions and acted upon them with sheer determination. Extensive biographies have been written on both Sojourner Truth and Harriet Tubman and they have also been commemorated by the United States Postal service with their individual stamps. Despite similarities, both women were very different with different areas of expertise. Harriet Tubman devoted her life for the escape of slaves by creating safe passages and for this reason she is famously known as ‘Black Moses of the Underground Railroad’. Sojourner Truth was not an active participant in Underground Railroad but reported to be supportive and sympathetic towards it. Sojourner Truth was a civil rights activist who dedicated her life to end slavery, stop women from alcohol consumption (Engerman et al 2001; Igus 1991). Harriet Tubman: Harriet Tubman launched her Civil War years before Fort Sumter’s firing incident took place in the year 1861. Harriet Tubman sustained a head injury at the age of fifteen when she deliberately prevented an overseer from catching an uncooperative slave. She never fully recovered from the injury and suffered from periodic sleeping fits during her entire life. Some historians believe that Tubman started showing defiant behavior as a slave from a very early age. However, her strategic and political consciousness developed during the time she started to fight to claim liberty for her friends and relatives. Due to her strong leadership skills, Harriet Tubma n was able to accomplish successful escape missions from the Eastern Shore. Harriet Tubman was always known to forge close community relationships and establish highly effective support system, which was the reason why she earned the title of ‘Moses of her people’. Massachusetts Governor John Andrew recognized Harriet’s passion and sheer determination to fight for freedom. Therefore John Andrew directed Tubman to travel to South Carolina and support Union war efforts in January 1862. Tubman directly participated in armed conflict and during the process she managed to forge close contacts with many important army officials. Due to her heroic tails of Eastern Shore, Harriet Tubman was highly respected by many soldiers and was regarded as ‘Moses’ among the camp people. Harriet Tubman had close relationships with many prominent white people such as Thomas Wentworth Higginson which served a major reason for her being elected a leader of the freedman. In P ort Royal, Harriet supported the Union activities and in 1862 she joined Northern abolitionists. In Port Royal, Tubman served as a nurse and provided palliative care to soldiers suffering from cholera, dysentery and small pox. Tubman recognized the Emancipation Proclamation of 1863 as an important step towards granting liberty from slavery to all Black people.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The Law of Negligence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Law of Negligence - Essay Example 1The decision of Donoghue v. Stevenson was the point from where carelessness or a general duty for carelessness was recognized. In the case it was recognized that a manufacturer owed a duty to ensure that the produce were free from defect, to the ultimate consumer, and that any damage to property or personal injury should have been foreseen by him. In the particular case the claimant argued that she was poisoned due to drinking the ginger beer, purchased by her friend, due to the fact that the opaque form of bottle did not allow her to notice that the beer had a decomposed snail in it. The House of Lords by a bare majority found that a duty of care was owed to her, thereby overturning the previous decisions. Lord Atkin formulated on the general conception on which a duty of care was determined upon or in other word the famous "neighbor principle". The principle said that all reasonable care should taken to avoid acts or omissions from which it was reasonably foreseeable would injure the neighbor. This case started to recognize what had been termed the social wrong and so based negligent liability by determining the fault. Damage also is an essential part for proving neglige3nce and so the claimant must prove that an injury was sustained as a result of the defendant's negligence. Fault, damage ad causation is necessary but not sufficient condition of liability. The focus therefore in claims of negligence is that a duty has to be established for any claims for possible liability. Thus even if it can be shown that there has been a damage caused to the claimant the courts may nevertheless not grant negligence if it is found that there is no duty situation. Further there have been restrictions imposed by courts for claims of pure economic loss. 2In Murphy v. Brentwood DC the courts limited the scope for claiming economic loss but there are possibilities of claiming it in a number of situations. Further the courts have created a distinction between acts and omissions, liability for positive acts have been long recognize but this has not been so for omissions which are only allowed in very exceptional circumstances. 3The duty of care attaches with it the concept of foresee ability as Lord Wright said in Bourhill v. Young that the concept of foresee ability is always relative to the individual affected . However it is further stressed that foresee ability in itself is not adequate for establishing duty of care. Even though Lord Atkin place great emphasis on reasonable contemplation or foresee ability of harm as a precondition for establishing duty of care it fails to explain many claims under physical, non-physical and property damage which are even though foreseeable but still fall outside the head of negligence. The test for causation limits liability and so the courts are allowed to make value judgments when ascertaining damages. The courts have at times used the but for test for establishing liability- would the loss have occurred but for the negligence of the defendant. This limits the liability of defendants to the extent of his personal responsibility. The question of whether a duty of care is owed by the defendant is a matter of law and so is ascertained by the

Eassy of <A Thousand Splendid Suns> Essay

Eassy of - Essay Example Miriam had lost her baby 7 times, giving Rasheed reason to treat her as a worker and violate her frequently. In addition, the author develops the story of Laila; she has a nice and unbroken family, and she learns lots of knowledge from school and from her father. However, a rocket destroys her house and family when they decide to leave Kabul. Her parents die and she is also wounded. Consequently, she has to get married to Rasheed to earn a living because she finds that she is carrying her childhood lover’s child, Tariq. In general, the author depicts Mariam and Laila as poor Afghan women, who have similar experiences living with Rasheed. However, they become best friends after Aziza’s birth. From the analysis of the novel, it can be concluded that although life is unbearable for both Mariam and Laila, only Laila is able to make the decision to leave Rasheed and seek a better life. Mariam is not able to take a risk because she has a broken family. Mariam grows up only with her mother. She does not feel her father’s love even though her father comes to see her once a week. Nana says to Mariam, â€Å" Like a compass needle that points north, a man’s accusing finger always finds a women.( Hosseini, 7). However, she thinks Jalil is a very nice father although he visits only once a week. She used to expect her father’s visiting because he brings gifts to her and his voice is gentle and soft. Nevertheless, everything changes on Mariam’s fifteenth birthday. Mariam insists on watching movies with her siblings, so she goes into the Herat alone. Jalil does not receive her and even lies to her that he is not there. On the next day, Mariam goes back disappointed and then she is shocked because her mother commits suicide under the tree in front of her kolba. Mariam reckons that she lost her parents in one day, and the reason is her leaving Nana . After she gets married to Rasheed, she does everything Rasheed requires of her because he is the only one that she can

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Do Moral Rights Adequately Protect the Author's Work against a Research Proposal

Do Moral Rights Adequately Protect the Author's Work against a Derogatory Treatment - Research Proposal Example It is important to address this issue, in order to arrive at some recommendations on how statutory limitations can be improved such that the integrity of original works is not compromised, especially within a digital environment. This research proposal, therefore, poses the question: â€Å"Do moral rights adequately protect the author’s work against a derogatory treatment?† This research proposal examines existing statutes to find out whether they provide adequate protection for an author’s moral rights. The preservation of these rights, which are the personal rights of the author, is vital to ensure that creators of original works of value and merit are not discouraged in their creative pursuits by the distortion of their works through the production of derogatory adaptations of their work. In order to adequately address the research question, this proposal includes an examination of case law and how the courts have addressed the issue of moral rights. Some comparisons are also made with international laws. Based upon the literature review and case law, it appears that UK statutory provisions are inadequate to protect an author’s moral rights and enhanced protection for moral rights is necessary, especially in a digital environment. The Copyrights, Designs and Patents Act of 1988 was framed to protect the rights of an author or original creator of a creative work.1 The CDPA protects copyright and rights of authors/creators for original work where there is a high level of human skill and labor that is involved in the production of the work2, with the objective of ensuring that the creator is rewarded for his innovative efforts and hard labor by acquiring the exclusive right to economic exploitation of his work.  

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Real vs Digital Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Real vs Digital - Essay Example computer and internet connection. Also, while you are enjoying the online gaming platform, you are placed into a framework wherein you are virtually going on a date. We cover the information explosion and how it has affected the structure of many social engagements like meeting and dating. This relates significantly to our discussion in class because it talks about the journey of information technology and how it is gradually changing some aspects of our lives. In the same manner, this relates to informatics and computer science because it reveals innovative development in the field that influences cultural structures like dating, meeting, doing business, etc. (Hitsch et al. 10). Three questions arise: (1) how online dating affects human interaction, particularly when it comes to finding a partner? (2) What are the implications of this new dating platform in the future: how would it affect our cultural structure in general? (3) What are the psychological risks involved in using WoW as alternative for dating in

Monday, September 23, 2019

Busines organization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Busines organization - Essay Example ts have regarded the debts of the corporation to be that of its shareholders, thereby piercing the corporate veil.2 The separate legal existence of a company was established by the court in the Salomon case. 3 As such, in Salomon v Salomon, 4 their Lordships created the rule that a company constitutes a separate legal entity that is distinct from its members. 5 This provided the direction to contemporary company law and the character of private limited companies. 6 European statutory provisions have incorporated this significant maxim. The objective behind providing for a separate legal persona and limited liability is to promote investment, foster trade and to furnish entrepreneurs with an incentive to commence new business. 7 In addition, in Adams v Cape Industries plc,8 a complete review of the Salomon ruling was achieved by the Court of Appeal. This case considered liability inside a group of companies. The claimant, moved the court to render the parent company liable for the obligations of the subsidiary company. The Court of Appeal lifted the corporate veil on the basis of the following considerations; namely, faà §ade, agency and single economic unit. 9 In its judgment, the Court of Appeal declared that the corporate veil could be pierced if there was an express agency agreement between the subsidiary company and the parent company. The presumption of an agency relationship, strictly relied upon the presence of such an agreement. 10 The Court, also held that the veil could not be pierced, merely because the defendant company was a member of a group of companies and the corporate framework had been adopted to avert the liability of the defendant company. 11 GHI Ltd was working as a subsidiary of its parent company ABC Ltd. As such, GHI Ltd can be deemed an agent of its parent company ABC Ltd. Furthermore, in DHN Food Distributors Ltd v Tower Hamlets London Borough Council,12 Lord Denning of the Court of Appeal held that the group of companies, in question,

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Cruise Ship Industry Effects Essay Example for Free

The Cruise Ship Industry Effects Essay 1. (a) Critically evaluate the impacts that the cruise ship industry has on destinations. (b) Suggest recommendations that can be used to minimize or mitigate the problems Identified in question 2a. 1. Critically evaluate the impacts that the cruise ship industry has on destinations. The Caribbean represents the main market for the cruise industry. As a major destination, the Caribbean cruised has been activated since early 1980, and has identified itself with the cruising industry over the years. While there are clearly benefits to be gained from cruise ship visits, there are also issues which destinations must consider, in order to optimize benefits and reduce negative impact, ( Manning, 2006). The main challenges encountered by activating the cruise ship industry in the Caribbean are as followed: environment challenges, maintaining market share and growth patterns, the concentration of the cruising industry, the increase in ships capacity, congestion, natural disasters, diversification of the product offered and competition with hotels, (Dridea et al, n.d). Environmental Impacts The environmental impacts of the cruise industry may be positive or negative. This industry may encourage an appreciation of the environment, and generate support and funds for environmental protection, but it can also degrade the marine and adjacent terrestrial environment. The environmental costs of the sector are incalculable given that the cruise ship industry is unregulated and difficult to gauge widely its impacts, despite enforcing environmental standards for the industry. For example, the introduction of the cruise shipping Port Facilities in Falmouth has posed negative impact on the environment. Mott Macdonald (2007) postulates that the major impacts expected from the development of the Port Facilities in Falmouth includes: loss of habitat and biodiversity such negative impacts are a major concern to Jamaican coastal areas where the reefs are already stressed from a number of anthropogenic and natural threats, loss of fish habitat widening of the entrance of the channel will partially remove the reef wall which is a primary habitat to Bermuda Chub .The potential exists for disruption to fish habitat, spawning and feeding grounds and possibly fish migratory routes. This represents a direct long-term adverse impact to the fish community on the reef and in the harbour. Other environmental impact includes: †¢ Loss of Coral Cover †¢ Ecological Impacts ( its associated flora and fauna) †¢ Increased fresh water runoff due to expansion of paved area †¢ Increased potential for oil spills Economic Impact The cruise industry has the potential to provide economic benefits to a port state. These economic benefits arise from five principal sources: 1) spending by cruise passengers and crew; 2) the shore side staffing by the cruise lines for their headquarters, marketing and tour operations 3) expenditures by the cruise lines for goods and services necessary for cruise operations; 4) spending by the cruise lines for port services; and 5) expenditures by cruise lines for the maintenance. The cruise industry has provided the highest economic contribution for the United State Virgin Island, according to the survey conducted by the U.S.-based organization Business Research and Economic Advisors (BREA) during the period of 2005-2006 cruise year , it was concluded that the total cruise tourism expenditures in U.S. Virgin Islands summed up to $362 million. St. Maarten had the second highest per passenger spending rate and the highest expenditure rate, resulting in $246 million in cruise tourism expenditures. However, over emphasis on the economic benefits derived from tourism has often led to adverse physical and social consequences. The reason for this is the simple fact that, as tourism development and tourist activity expands, so too does the potential harm, social impact and potential for human induced harm and disturbance to destination residents and the environment (Jackson 2006). Kenneth (2003), also concur with Jackson that even though the cruise sector has opened up an opportunity for heavy use and instantaneous cash flow from short term but intense use, this had added pressure onto land-based facilities, resulting in congestion, scheduling and control problems, which have affected visitor satisfaction which will result in decline cruise visitors. Other experts in the field agreed with the statements mention above that as the cruise ships continue to grow larger, further investment may be required. Under these types of tourism scenarios with high infrastructure or environmental costs, rapid growth of tourism may result in a stagnation of or even a decline in GDP (Gooroochurn et al (2005); Nowak et al (2003) and Nowak et al (2007). Social impacts Interactions between resident and cruise passengers can have positive effects offering residents the possibility of learning about the world and explore new life perspectives. The largest social issue for a destination is people pollution; increasing cruise activities restrict the space of residents and sometimes push them to adopt different moral conducts. Suggest recommendations that can be used to minimize or mitigate the problems Identified in question 2a. In order for a destination to minimize or mitigate the problems associated with the cruise industry they need to follow in the ‘footsteps’ of the Eastern Canadian, with the introduction of cruise ships into that environmentally sensitive areas of the Eastern Canadian Arctic raises many concerns. However, the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) introduced a set of principles, when implemented, could help in the protection of the Arctic and its environment from negative effects caused by tourism. I concur with Kenneth Atherley (2003), that in order to minimize the added pressure onto land-based facilities, resulting in congestion, scheduling and control problems, which have affected visitor satisfaction. Countries need to implement the strategy of Bermuda which placed a cap on cruise tourism, this strategy outline that not more than two (2) ships should be at the Port at one time, and each passenger have to pay $60 head tax, ships operating in their water must employ Caribbean nationals, pay US$1.5 million towards an education fund; each passenger must have a US$30 voucher at the ship’s expense. Additionally, another way to solve the problems associated with the cruise industry in the Caribbean region lies with the tourism policymakers; they need to work collaboratively with all stakeholders, with the ultimate goal of maximizing the benefits derived from tourism, while at the same time minimizing costs/negative impacts. They can also implement carrying capacity strategies which aimed at maintaining the balance between social and ecological monitoring programs. Other strategies to mitigate the negative impact caused by the cruise industry is to monitor and evaluate the impact of cruise tourism on the natural, social and cultural environment in order to ensure the conservation of the resource base; continuously assess the carrying capacity of the existing attractions and services used by the cruise visitor, and develop mechanisms for the management of these sites on a sustainable basis. Encourage the enhancement of existing attractions and facilities and the development of new ones; establish and manage strong relationships with the cruise industry to ensure mutually beneficial outcomes; develop appropriate programmers which effectively convert cruise passengers to long stay visitors. References Dridea R. and Mihai., B (n.d). The Impact of the Cruising Industry on Local Destination Retrieved from Gooroochurn N. and Blake A., (2005). Tourism Immiserization: Fact or Fiction? Feem Working Paper No. 143.05. Fondazione Eni Enrico Matei. Jackson, L. A. (2006). Ameliorating the negative impacts of tourism: a Caribbean perspective. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 18 (7), 574-582. Retrieved from Emerald Database. Kenneth A. (2003). Cruise Industry–Related Challenges Facing Caribbean Destinations. Retrieved from Manning T,( 2006), Managing Cruise Ship Impacts: Guidelines for Current and Potential Destination Communities. Retrievied from Nowak J.J., Sahli, M. And Sgo, P. (2003). Tourism, trade and domestic welfare, Pacific Economic Review, 8 (3), pp. 245-258. Nowak J.J.,. and Sahli, M., (2007). Coastal tourism and â€Å"Dutch diseases† in a small island economy, Tourism Economics, 13 (1), pp. 49-65.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Labor Market in Gulf Countries

Labor Market in Gulf Countries India Steps Up Pressure for Minimum Wage for Its Workers in the Gulf The Labor Market in Gulf Countries This section of the report is about the labor market in the Gulf countries and how it is affected with changes in the labor policies by the governments of GCC countries. The GCC consists of six Arab countries including all Arab states of the Persian Gulf, Bahrain, Oman, Qatar, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. The labor market is growing with the rapid growth of the economies of GCC countries. The governments of GCC countries prefer their national to be part of their organizations because of their higher education, and the nationals are also attracted towards the government sector of GCC countries because of the higher wages and generous benefits, job security, early retirement with pension and many other benefits associated with the government jobs. However, the labor market of GCC countries also contains a significant portion of expatriate workers, therefore the private sector heavily rely on the working on expatriate workers and the expatriate labor work also att racted towards the private sector because of the jobs that are available on fixed terms, the contracts of the jobs are specific and they are under the sponsorship of nationals. The labor migration to Gulf countries is considered to be of vast importance. The factors related to its importance are the relatively larger size of the Gulf countries and better economic conditions prevailing there. According to the recent reports, foreign workers especially from South Asia and Philippines make up around 90 percent or more of the private sector in all GCC countries except Saudi Arabia. Moreover, the rate of increasing population and the birth rate of foreign citizens in the Gulf countries also among other factors of increasing labor migration in Gulf countries. An individual labor law for every country in GCC is designed in accordance with international labor laws and standards, conventions and recommendations of International Labor Organization that aim to eliminate unfair labor practices and equal treatment of laborers regarding to the nationality, social status or religious belief. This is also because of the Global Economic Crises which cause the working class of South Asian countries to be affected badly, as a result many of the workers were not paid and most of the foreigner laborers had to leave the country and they put Gulf countries on the priority because of the high economic level and better wages rates than the European countries. Gulf countries recent policies and regulations on the protection of rights emphasize on the regulation on the labor market and boost national man power in private sector, by keeping the balance in working relationships at work place, increasing the labor protection and safeguarding the employeesâ€℠¢ interests at all. The above figure shows the supply and demand of labor market in the Gulf countries. It has shown that the labor market of the Gulf countries is effecting accordingly to the number of workers or workforce present there. If the supply of the workforce is increasing in Gulf countries because of the rising migration workers in Gulf countries, the demand is also increasing because of the increasing effect of the economies of Gulf countries, and the demand is also increasing because of their high expertise and high education in their relevant fields. According to the reports issued by the World Bank, there is various numbers of factors that have been contributed to the situation of youth employment situation in the Gulf countries. If considering the supply side, a demographic wave has increased the share of young people in the population because of the migration youth individuals to the Gulf countries has resulted the labor supply pressures. And if the demand size of the labor market is considered, young people in the labor markets of Gulf countries widespread with structural distortions. And the fact is that the public and private sector of GCC continues to attract young people towards themselves, with higher wage and benefit packages and better job security. Labor Market in India This section of the report considers the level of labor force and labor market in the economy of India. The India is considered to be the second largest country in the population growth after china and according to the reports of 2012, the labor workers who were working in India were 487 million, and 90 % of these workers were working in unorganized and unincorporated companies, while only 10 % of them are working in the organized private, state owned enterprises and government sectors. In local terms, the organized sector or formal sector are described as the sectors in India related to licensed organizations that are registered and pay income tax, and sales tax etc. These organizations of India include the publicly traded companies, corporations, factories, incorporated or formally registered entities, shopping malls, hotels, and large businesses. Unorganized sector, also known as informal sector or own account enterprises, refers to all unlicensed, self-employed or unregistered ec onomic activity such as owner manned general stores, handicrafts and handloom workers, rural traders, farmers, etc. If the labor market of India is to be seen, the matter of the fact is that there are two broad groups of migrant laborers working in India one group of migrant laborers is that who migrates to Gulf countries and overseas in order to work temporarily, and another group is that one who migrates on a seasonal and work available basis. According to the latest reports, the migrant workers who are Indian-origin laborers are about 4 million in number who are migrant workers in the Middle East and Gulf countries alone. They are accredited to been a part of Gulf countries and the majority of workers are those and are proud themselves who built many of Dubai, Qatar, Bahrain, and Persian Gulf modern architecture, and major of their architecture is the Burj Khalifa, which is considered to be the tallest building in worlds history which has started its operation in 2010. It is the common factor that no one wants to leave his country and the reason of leaving home country and to go abroad is that of financial surplus. These migrant workers are also attracted towards the Gulf countries because of better salaries, and getting the opportunity of even better jobs in order to remit funds and financials to support their families in India. In 2009, the reports by Middle East analysts show that the Middle East-based migrant workers from India remitted about US$20 billion. In many cases they also have to face the challenges and problems in dong jobs that is labor abuses and problems such as unpaid salaries, poor living conditions and unsafe work conditions have been claimed by the Indian migrant workers. Moreover, it has also been seen that national migrant workers in India have been assessed to be about 4.2 million. These migrant workers work according to their capacity and abilities and they have shown the range from full-time to part-time workers, permanent and temporary workers. They are typically employed for remuneration in cash or kind, in any household through any agency or directly, to do the household work, but do not include any member of the family of an employer. While talking to the India workforce in GCC countries, the reports suggests that India is the principal and major country of South Asia origin for the 17 million migrants in GCC countries. The Indian states are also sending their individuals also to GCC countries in order to get better employment and better remunerations. In 2004, the Indian state of Kerala only consists of the 26 percent of all households that had at least one temporary international migrant. And 89 percent of these were found to be in GCC countries (Zachariah and Rajan 2009, pp. 35, 162). According to the Philippines reports, that there were about 1.5 million temporary Overseas Filipino Workers (POEA 2011), in 2011 represented themselves while working abroad through the act of Philippine Overseas Employment Administration and according to the entire national labor force (BLES 2012) there were about 4 percent of the GCC migrants are Philippines who were working there. The figure below shows that the financial flow comes to the India because of the remittances from abroad and it has been seen that in the period of 2009-2011, 31.4% has been received by India only from the remittances of FDI from all over the world, and in 2012, only 30 of the total remittances came from GCC countries only. The above figure shows that India receives about as much in remittances from the GCC countries as it receives in FDI from the whole world The demand and supply of the labor market of India is not elastic and that the supply of the labor market is high and that the demand is ot that much high because of the economic conditions of the country and that the wages rates as well not according to the demands of the workers as well. Moreover, the high rate of population and unavailability of employment caused the migrants o move towards the GCC countries and overseas. According to the latest reports, the Indian migrates are not getting paid according to their demands and that the wages rate is quite minimum in Gulf countries for them. References,. (2014). The Gulf Research Meeting 2014: Workshop Details. Retrieved 29 August 2014, from Labor Market Challenges and the policies in Gulf Corporation Council union. (2014) (1st ed.). Retrieved from,. (2008). The Indian labour market: An overview. Retrieved 29 August 2014, from

Friday, September 20, 2019

Reflection on Self Development in Mental Health Nursing

Reflection on Self Development in Mental Health Nursing The Nurse Association (ANA) (2003) defines nursing as the promotion, protection and improvement of health and abilities, stopping of illness and injury, relief of suffering through identification, medical care and support in the care of individuals, families, societies and citizenry (Nancy, 2001 p.2).Generally nursing is liable to the society for providing quality, economical as well as improving the care rendered. Hence, nurses are responsible for their patients standard of health. The area of practice I would like to develop in this regard is mental health. The World health Organisation (WHO) (2009) defines mental health as a state of well-being where all individual notices his or her own potential, can cope with normal stressful events of life, can be fruitful and productive, and is able to contribute meaningfully to his or her society. For a person to live happily and meaningfully in life, mental health is important as well as physical health. Inadequate mental health can interfere with keeping meaningful relationships, having a sense of fulfilment in ones self, work and ability to perform in daily activities of life. Mental illness can obstruct ones interest in sleep, food and sexual contact. How we cope with life situations, the way we think and feel can be defined as mental health. By description mental health could be defined as a state of well-being which enables one to be fruitful, being able to live in peace with other people, adjusts to alteration and been able to handle difficult situations. Health conditions marked by alteration or abnormalities in mood, thinking or behaviour (or a mixture of the three) that causes discomfort or impair functioning is known as mental disorder. Giving a lot of definition without going into thorough details is difficult. One huge reason that is partly responsible for the difficulty in defining mental health, mental disorder and mental illness is the differentiation between mental and physical health which is largely pretended. Our ability to think, feel and respond is governed by our brain. The brain needs constant supply of oxygen and nutrients like any other organ in the body because it can also be damaged by thyroid issues, tumours and physical trauma. Mental health and physical health are interweaved (Linda, 2010, p.334). STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES ANALYSIS OF MY CURRENT KNOWLEDGE BASE ON MENTAL HEALTH My main tool as a mental health nurse is caring for the elderly living with dementia. As a mental health nurse I show compassion for the people I am dealing with by showing care towards them. Regrettably, there is still some stigma attached to mental illness. Combating this and helping the individuals and their families deal with it is the key part of my job. The danger of violence is often associated with this branch of nursing and one of the special skills required is to spot a build-up of tension and defuse it. Dealing with the behaviour and human mind is not an exact science. The job of helping people back to mental health is every bit as valuable and satisfying as caring for those with a physical illness. Showing professional compassion in my field of practice as a mental health nurse is a very important strength that I possess. For true care to take place feeling compassionate and empathetic towards a stranger is a must; a good feedback feeling is set into motion by doing this. Feelings are important in a humans life. I will say compassion is strength because it is a very important ingredient in nursing profession. Compassion is more than just showing pity or concern; and some dictionary definitions indicate that compassion is part of caring because it involves suffering with the person (Moya, 1992 p 5). As a mental health nurse, it is my duty to understand how to care for the elderly with dementia because their cognitive and affective states are conflicting. Now my experience with the elderly does not appear to me differently put myself into the private world of my patient and this is what empathy and care requires. Moya (1992, p 8) suggested that though as mortals we may find true empathy hard to practice because true empathy is only possible among archangels. My weakness on my current knowledge based on this area unfortunately is lack of Confidence which is evident in certain instances. Public speaking, presentation and demonstration of procedures to nursing assistance plague me. It is one thing to be nonchalant and laid back when speaking with your family and friends, but in a professional environment the whole mood and interpretation of things changes. It all comes down to one thing, the amount of self -esteem that i have and i am willing to exert. CLEAR STATEMENT FOR PERSONAL KNOWLEDGE Snow (1991, pp. 195-197) identifies compassion as pain, sorrow or grief for someone else. Emotions help me focus my moral actions. From my personal knowledge as a mental health nurse, compassion should be totally added in my concept of care. Furthermore the role of a Registered nurse is to improve the health and well-being of the people. My aim in focus is to strive for moral height because I have the opportunity as a nurse to give attention to the pain and suffering of my patients (Ferrel, 2005, p. 86), with a workable process in leadership and putting more compassion in practice. Putting compassion into nursing care is really not an easy task as it involves a lot of work. How this will be achieved is by involving in a compassion program for qualified nurses; going into wards that are already selected for excellence in compassion. In addition getting myself in an NHS Lothian centre for compassionate care which is also called the beacon ward where patients can be asked what we the nurses are doing right and tell us how can improve health (2008) puts it as bottling the magic formula and sharing it. The beacon ward will involve me using an all about me sheet which patients will fill when admitted. This form is not about their medical conditions; about how they will love to be addressed and who is important to them. This gives me an opportunity to look at people values and beliefs. DEVELOPING KNOWLEGDE IN THIS AREA My professional role and expectation from my clients as a mental health nurse is to win trust and establish contact with my clients. They find it difficult to gain trust and build good relationships with professionals in this field. In achieving this, competence is needed. What is competence? Spencer Spencer (1993) describe competency as the ability to realize organizational goals. It involves skills, attitudes and knowledge. These soft skills are vital in this area of practice. Developing my knowledge in mental nursing will enable me be a better nurse and gain a higher level of competency. Registered mental health nurses are regularly faced with clients who stay away from care. They involve patients with severe personality and behavioural disorders, older people living with dementia. Nursing and Midwifery Council (2002) Professional code of conducts describes situations where my professional role as a nurse is needed to be put into practice as regards competence. Throughout my year of practice I must keep my knowledge and skills up to date. Taking part in learning activities that will develop my performance and competence. In order to practice competently and professionally i must possess the knowledge, skills and abilities needed for lawful effective and safe practice without supervision. I must know the things that I am capable of doing and only accept those procedures and practice that I am competent at. If an area of practice is above my level of competence or outside my area of specialty I should call for help and supervision from a competent practitioner except otherwise. SMART CHART DETAILING HOW I WOULD ACHIEVE MY GOALS My goals, when adequately structured can be achieved in a means elaborated below using a SMART CHART. Extension (2008) stressed that SMART goals will enable one achieve relevant actions and goal; they further explained SMART is an acronym for goals that are: Specific, Measurable (Mutual, Motivated), Attainable, Relevant/Realistic, and within a specific Timeline. Clearly stated, my goals are: Improvement in the area of my level of competence as a mental health nurse Ability to win patient trust Develop my level of confidence Broaden my level of knowledge in mental nursing S My goals are limited to my area of improvement and strengths particularly related to my area of specialization which makes it specific M These goals serve as a driving force to my striving for excellence in mental health nursing A A right move in attaining or achieving these goals is by the embarking on my current programme in the University which has boosted my assurance of being a figure head in the nursing profession. R My goals are still in line with my first degree and profession hence its relevance in to my career and to the improvement of patient status. The Nursing and Midwifery Council has embarked on nurses self-development training programmes which my goals conform to. T Putting into utmost consideration my level of adaptation to the health system of the UK and my academic pursuit, my goals are already being actualized and is an on-going process of development till my career is over because learning is a continuous process and knowledge is acquired on a daily process.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Auctioning Personal Property :: essays research papers

The sale at public auction of personal property in the United States has a rich history and has been successfully used for three centuries. Auctions are one of the best businesses and are ranked in the top ten businesses in the world to sell personal property. Auctions are the best way to liquidate your property, sell your personal property and to get cash in your pocket.First of all, auctions can help you liquidate or downsize personal property, such as furniture, clothes, automobile and jewelry. Instead of throwing unwanted goods away call an auction house to sell it for you. You never know what you might be throwing away that can be turn into cash. Another good reason to auction is personal property will bring the highest market price at the auction through competitive bidding. This is when two or more persons who want the same item and keeps bidding the price up until it reaches a fair market value. By law you most have a least two persons present to conduct an auction. Then the highest bidder buys it for the final bided price.In advertisement for auction houses that catches must people eyes is to get fast cash selling personal property. The advertisement means just that you can get money within fourteen days or less after the auction house sells your personal property.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The auction business has been around for a long time with a good track record for selling anything that has a price or doesn't have a price. Through statistics, the price of all property is set from a fair market value in which auctions control sixty five percent of today's prices on all property. So why not get the most out of personal property by selling it at the auction? An individual has to read the contract that the auction house writes because it could read that they might not get paid until the last item of their personal property gets sold. Some auctioneers are known for keeping back one of two items from an individuals personal property back until they have their next sale. This way an auction doesn't have to pay the individual until the following sale or when the last piece off property was sold. Make sure in the contract that it has a date that all personal property will be sold by.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Characteristics and Impacts of American Reconstruction Essay -- Americ

Characteristics and Impacts of American Reconstruction The key goals of Reconstruction were to readmit the South into the Union and to define the status of freedmen in American society. The Reconstruction era was marked by political, not violent, conflict. Some historical myths are that the South was victimized by Reconstruction, and that the various plans of Reconstruction were corrupt and unjust. Actually, the plans were quite lenient, enforcing military rule for only a short period of time, ignoring land reform, and granting pardons easily. The task of Reconstruction was to re-integrate America into a whole nation, securing the rights of each man and establishing order once again. There were three major Reconstruction plans; Lincoln, Johnson, and Congress each offered a strategy to unify the nation. Lincoln’s plan, in 1864, required ten percent of the voting population of each state who had voted in the 1860 election to take an oath of allegiance to the Union and accept the abolition of slavery. Then that ten percent could create a state government that would be loyal to the Union. Confederate officials, army and naval officers, and civil officers who had resigned from office were all required to apply for presidential pardons (Boyer, 443). Lincoln’s plan did not at all deal with freedmen’s civil rights, which is a definite weakness. Under his ten percent rule, no freedmen could be part of a state government. Also, it did not address land reform, an economic weakness of Lincoln’s strategy. Finally, under Lincoln’s plan, no federal military occupation was required in Southern states. This left the freedmen at the mercy of the states for protection. Congress viewed this plan as far too lenient, and in 1864 passed the Wade-Davis bill. This bi ll required the majority of voters in each Southern state to take an oath of loyalty; only then could the state hold a convention to repeal secession and abolish slavery. Although Lincoln’s plan may have been too lenient, this bill would have been far too harsh and delayed readmission to the Union for a very long time. Lincoln did not sign the bill into law, or pocket-vetoed the bill, and was soon assassinated. Therefore, he did not have a chance to implement his plan of Reconstruction, and his goal was not met. After Andrew Johnson assumed the presidency following Lincoln’s assassination in ... ...n did create black institutions in response to Reconstruction; there was a cropping up of black churches, schools, and higher education establishments (Boyer 458). Reconstruction made the nation as a whole feel ‘reunited’, but it was viewed as a failure and waste immediately after its completion (Boyer, 471). It laid the groundwork for the Civil Rights Movement by passing the 13, 14, and 15th amendments, even though they would not be implemented to protect minority rights for nearly a hundred years. Reconstruction also established a policy of treating African-Americans as second-class citizens. The nation was taught that it was alright to treat blacks as inferior people because the government would not even guarantee them the right to vote in state elections. However, Reconstruction did pave the way for share-cropping and the factory system, which would lead to an economic boom as American expanded. Reconstruction threw America into upheaval, and by 1875 the North had tired of the various plans and politics, and longed to end Congress’s plan (Boyer, 467). Boyer, Clark, Vision,Volume II: From 1865. Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston:2000.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Factors Influencing Employee Performance Essay

1. Introduction 1.1 Background of the study There are many challenges which hinder the delivery of public service reforms in Africa (Lienert, 2003). The factors include those relating to human resources like manpower deficiencies and lack of psychological dispositions and shortage of financial and material resources necessary for effective delivery of services. The problems of accountability as well as ethical issues also continue to affect effective delivery of public service. In an effort to mitigate some of these challenges, the Government of Kenya (GOK) has in the past launched several reform programs to improve service delivery. Some of these reform efforts include the Civil Service Reform Program (CSRP) (GOK, 1993) whose aim was to enhance public service efficiency and productivity. The program was designed to contain costs, improve performance in the public sector, and consolidate and sustain the gains made by reform initiatives (Opiyo, 2006). The other reform initiatives included the implementation of Results – Based Management that was guided by Economic Recovery Strategy for Wealth and Employment creation (GOK, 2003) whose strategies included developing benchmarks and evaluating the performance of public institutions. In order to enhance the performance of public officers, the government introduced a program where rewards and sanctions were to be used to encourage provision of quality services in the public sector. This paved way for the piloting of the process of in state corporations in 2003 which saw the introduction and implementation of performance appraisals in the entire public sector. Most firms in Kenya now employ some performance appraisal system (GOK, 2009). The Performance Appraisal System (PAS) was introduced by the GOK to refocus the mind of the public from a culture of inward looking to a culture of businesslike environment, focused on the customer and results in addition to improving service delivery (Obong’o, 2009). According to the new PAS, the evaluation of staff performance is supposed to run concurrently with the duration of ministerial performance contracts and the Government Financial year. Targets should meet acceptable quality standards and benchmarks as determined in each category of service delivery; the system should be supported by training of staff, particularly those with managerial and supervisory responsibility; and the process should be regarded as interactive, for mutual agreement between supervisors and appraisers (GOK, 2009). Longenecker and Goff (1992), observed that managers and human resource professionals belief that a PAS is a good tool for human resource management and performance improvement. If well designed and implemented it can benefit both the employees and the organizations (Coens and Jenkins, 2000). According to GOK (2009), the PAS has caused a cultural transformation within the public service from a baseline of extremely poor performance before 2003. The GOK has in the past made some efforts in launching and implementing Public Service Reform initiatives aimed at improving the performance of public servants in service delivery (GOK, 1993; GOK, 2003). However, these reforms have not achieved the envisaged results (AAPAM, 2005; Opiyo, 2006). The introduction of the new PAS (GOK, 2006) is yet another attempt by the Government to manage and improve performance of the Civil Service and Local Authorities by enabling a higher level of staff participation and involvement in planning, delivery and evaluation of work performance. Despite the successful roll out of the program, there is evidence of room for improvement in the process (GOK, 2009) and a lack of knowledge on the factors that influence the PAS in the Ministry of State for Provincial Administration and Internal Security, (MoSPA) Nyamira district, Kenya. Specifically, this study addresses this gap by: (a) Establishing how the implementation process of the PAS in the public sector influences the system; (b) Determining how rater and ratee interpersonal relationship in a PAS context influences the system in the public sector; (c) Determining how psychometric rater accuracy in a PAS context influences the system in the public sector; (d) Determining how the level of information exchange between the rater and the ratee in a PAS context influences the system in the public sector; and (e) Establishing how the attitudes of employees towards the last PAS rating, towards the rater and towards the PAS influence the system in the public sector.

Monday, September 16, 2019

English Belonging Essay Brides of Christ and Emily Dickinson

Both conforming to and challenging the societal structures can have serious psychological consequences. Feelings of affinity often generate a sense of empowerment constituted by shared values and interests. However, where there is a schism between the values of the individual and those Of the group to which they seek to belong, feelings Of isolation, rejection and alienation can ensue. Moreover, individuals often respond to group hegemony by oscillating be;men conforming to and challenging the group's conventions, thus oscillating between a state of unity and isolation.The poems â€Å"This is My Letter to the World† and â€Å"I Had Been Hungry All the Years† by Emily Dickinson illuminate Dickinson desire to at once challenge and enrich the literary world as she oscillates between the desire for unity and autonomy. Similarly, the TV series â€Å"Brides of Christ† by Ken Cameron explores the way in which an individual's struggle to conform to a community while simu ltaneously challenging it in order to retain personal autonomy can lead to various consequences that may affect the state of an individual's belonging. This is my Letter to the World† reflects the apparent sense of isolation and seclusion that Dickinson feels as she abstains from the trick boundaries set by the social and the literary worlds during her era, thus hindering her from attaining a sense of belonging. Dickinson metaphoric â€Å"letter† symbolizes her body of work that is incongruous with the established standards demanded by the Romantic literary canon, in which the poem's brevity and ambiguity challenged the traditional poetic and social conventions of her time, leading to her apparent exclusion and rejection.Dickinson sarcastic and sardonic tone as she claims that â€Å"the world never wrote' to her highlights her desire to communicate with and ultimately enrich the literary oral with her â€Å"letters†, however its differences and incompatibilities with the poetic standards served as a barrier that ultimately prevented her from attaining a sense of belonging within the community she desires to enrich.This is contrasted with Dickinson earnest plea for the reader to â€Å"judge tenderly† of her, which positions the responder to understand the persona's simple and sincere desire for acceptance both from the responder and the literary canon, which was catalysts as a result of her exclusion and isolation from the social and poetic worlds. Similarly, the text â€Å"Brides Of Christ† conveys he sense of rejection and exclusion the protagonist experiences as she attempts to challenge the hegemonic and oppressive structures and doctrines prevalent within the convent.In this sense, the poem highlights the way in which challenging prevailing standards and structures within a community can act as a barrier to belonging, thus resulting in a state of exclusion and isolation. Similarly, â€Å"Brides of Christ† explores how an individual's lack of acceptance and understanding of a community's conventions can act as a barrier to belonging, resulting in feelings of rejection ND alienation.This is illuminated through the continuous conflict between the protagonist's personality of idealism and questioning of authority against the church's values of complete obedience and submission, which creates a schism that prevents the persona from attaining a sense of belonging within the institution. Although Diane seeks to ‘defeat her ego and serve God', her firm belief on her own knowledge and judgment – which forms the cornerstone of her identity – catalysts a desire to challenge and enrich the church's conventions.This is highlighted as Diane poses a rhetorical question to Sister Agnes and Mother Ambrose, ‘Why can't we study those instead of all this medieval hocus-pocus trying to conjure God out of an equation? † Here, the responder is positioned to perceive the persona's des ire to enrich the convent by challenging the hegemonic confines that pervade it, which is created as a consequence of its difference to the persona's ideal community.This is further compounded by the burning of Dean's spiritual journal, which symbolizes the Church's rejection of the persona's thoughts and ideals and ultimately her identity, with its differences to the church's conventions acting as a barrier to her perpetual belonging to the community. In a similar vein, â€Å"This is My Letter to the World† portrays how Dickinson desire to challenge and enrich the poetic community with her â€Å"letters† served as a barrier that hindered her from attaining belonging within the social and literary worlds.Therefore, it is the conflicting ideals and beliefs between an individual and the group they seek to belong to that may either enrich a community, or act as a barrier to belonging. Moreover, â€Å"I Had Been Hungry All the Years† depicts the complex oscillation between states of seclusion and unity as a consequence of the paradoxical desire for belonging and isolation.This is portrayed through Dickinson ‘hunger' for human companionship and interaction, due to her established connection with nature leaving her in a state of insufficiency and deprivation. However as she gains acceptance within the social world, the intensity of human relationships prove to be overwhelming, with her inability to cope acting as a barrier from perpetual belonging as well s cataloging a newfound desire for isolation and resignation within the natural world.This is illustrated through the extended metaphor of ‘hunger', which symbolizes Dickinson intense and fervent desire for inclusion and acceptance, all the while simultaneously appealing to the responder through the common and unifying human sensation of hunger itself. The persona's hunger comes as a scones ounce of her lacking and insufficient connection with nature, as evident by the scarcity of t he ‘crumb' which evokes a sense of absence and deprivation.However, as the persona's ‘noon' or opportunity arises to ‘draw the table near and ‘touch the curious wine', she finds its intensity to be overpowering causing her to ‘tremble' and ‘feel ill and odd'. Here, the composer positions the responder to perceive the persona's sense of alienation and displacement as she is given a chance at satiating this ‘hunger', however the persona's inability to forge human relationships results in her withdrawal from society once more and her desire to be isolated within her sanctuary that is ‘Nature's dining room' is renewed and reinforced.While the protagonist from â€Å"Brides of Christy' oscillates between the states of seclusion and unity through her relationships with the sisters within the convent, it is Dickinson paradoxical desire for belonging and isolation that results in the transitory nature of belonging that she experiences. Similar ly, â€Å"Brides of Christ' illustrates the transitory and fleeting nature of belonging as it embodies the consequences of attempting to belong to a collective community while simultaneously seeking individual identity.This is portrayed wrought the protagonist's relationship with the sisters within the convent, in which her nurturing friendship with Veronica and other novices within the convent is contrasted with her conflicting and fragmented relationship with the bearers of power within the church. On one hand, the protagonist Diane is able to achieve a sense of connection and unity with the other novices as a result of their shared beliefs and values of devotion to God, resulting in a great sense of fulfillment and empowerment.On the other hand however, the repressive power structures of the Convent in conjunction with Dean's recaptured and complicated relationship with Sister Agnes creates a sense of restriction and oppression within the persona, oftentimes acting as a barrier to truly achieving belonging within the church.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Ethical Practices Essay

1. What are business ethics? Business ethics are rules of conduct, principals, and patterns of behavior in business dealings that involve doing the right thing. An ethical business is a business which embraces universal morals and strives for equality of every job and workplace. Although laws and policies are different in every country, some have lower ethical standards than others which for example can promote child labor, unsafe workplace, and many other approaches which can harm a quality of a workers life. The unethical businesses save money in cutting corners through ethic standards. But unfortunately many companies rely on factories based off unethical work to keep them in business. In some cultures unethical work is recognized to be normal such as child labor in an underdeveloped countries while here it is against the law and seen as inhumane because of how our culture is conditioned here. 2. Give two examples in which Primark is operating in an ethical way. Provide two additional examples of ethical practices or behaviours in a business not associated with retailing or clothing. Primark operating in ethical ways: – Primark bases its code of conduct on the International Labor Organization (ILO). The code of conduct provides an ethical standard code which enforces safe, labor free, and security in work. – Primark provides audits to it suppliers to follow up and ensure the supplier is maintaining ethical practices. Additional examples: – To have no tolerance for discrimination in the workplace. Every race, culture, and gender is treated equally in every work environment. For example in an auto business a women is respected on the same level as men are. 3. Why is it so important for businesses to operate in an ethical way? Explain your answer by referring to the fashion industry. It is so important for businesses to operate in an ethical way because it represents how a company is run in all aspects. 4. In what ways could ethical business practices incur costs to the business? Evaluate the extent to which the benefits to a business of operating in an ethical are likely to outweigh the costs. Ethical practices will cost a business. When a company is ethical it builds confidence in the brand and its reputation, which shareholders are pleased to see. Also, it reduces the risk in bad reputation from bad publicity. In addition, many companies chose to save money and cut the corner with ethical standards. Although the benefit outweighs the cost because overall if a consumer understands and can view the company’s transparency they will be more confident in purchasing products or services from the certain business. Therefore, this will increase a based clientele due to their information of how your business runs and that their purchase adds to promoting standard work ethics. For example if you told a customer that a pair of pants cost a few dollars more than the other ones, but explained that the cheaper pair is made by an 11 year old child working in factory for 14 hours a day getting paid pennies to produce the garment or a woman who made them and she is receiving proper incentives and benefits for working for the company to support her family. I believe every costumer would chose to pay those extra couple of dollars. This is why consumers should push for company transparency, to allow you to see what you really pay for! Therefore, for established company ethical standards will cost more to maintain but in the outcome more customers will be attracted and you will build a loyal client base due to many people who are against ethical issues.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Advantages and Disadvantages of Being the Only Child Essay

What are the pros and cons of being the only child? There are some options in this subject. Some children feel well withouth siblings but others dream about a brother or a sister. One of the main advantages of being the only child is that your parents pay attention only to you. You are the most important person in their lives. Parents do everything for you. For example, if you want a new toy or some clothes they go to a shop and just buy it for you. Moreover, you have everything for yourself. You do not have to share the room, the computer and any other things. What is more you get more presents or more money. In addition to that, there is no person to quarrel with. You are alone and no one can take your things and do something wrong with them. No one disturbs you. You are a family ‘pet’ and you get all parential love. On the other hand there are also some disadvantages. First of all, the only children are very spoiled and selfish. They are used to thinking that they are the most important people so they must have everything only for themselves. When something is not going according to the way they planned it, they get angry. But it is not all. Being the only child means that parents put preassure on you. You have to still prove that you are the best. You have to het a A for every classroom test otherwise your parents will be disappointed with you. Last but not least, the only child may sometimes feel lonely. Other children can go out with siblings – for example to a disco, to friends or even to school. The only child must go solitary or with friends, although it is not the same. They have nobody who can borrow them some clothes or other things. To sum up, being the only child has many advantages but also a lot of disadvantages. Being such a child can be good, although in my opinion these people feel lonely and sad. Personally, I do not want to be the only child.

Friday, September 13, 2019

African American Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

African American Culture - Essay Example This discussion stresses that  to date no African American can claim certain aspects what he or she does descend from own respective ancestors in W. Africa. Since, present values that we normally hold onto and boast of are just mere retaliation habits of the impending settings. For instance, hip-hop claimed by Hamlet to have spread worldwide but now seems overshadowed by Crunk, a more club-oriented genre.This report highlights that church currently acts as a â€Å"Rich Reservoir† meant to relay varied African American expressions or terms, she fails to notice the extent of societal fusion evident in America. The then Mega churches dominant congregation used to be of certain races but now that is changing whereby the said word-warriors are of diverse backgrounds including descendants of former slave masters. This depicts a creation of unified and borderless society whose description would emerge with entirely different values such that former distinct racial values are inexis tent. Since, interaction especially through social settings currently escalates the extent of intermarriages, which in their actualization by respective partners sometimes tend to disregards certain aspects of the respective participants to embrace common grounds. For instance, overemphasis of certain cultural aspects that has no significance to in unifying the formed interracial union like dominant patriarchal privileges.   Ã‚  

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Auditing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

Auditing - Essay Example ial statement users perceive the auditors responsibilities to be and what the auditors believe their responsibilities entail is referred to as the expectation gap (McEnroe & Martens, 2001). This paper discusses different issues concerning the expectation gap by describing and analyzing the subject. The methodology, process and final output of the auditing process which auditors report remained relatively the same for the 40 year period starting in 1948 until 1988 (Strawser, 1990). During this period the users of the financial information complained a lot about the independent auditor’s report because they were not consistent in their message and their reports were at time interpreted differently by different users of a same report, a situation which should never occur since the accounting profession is based on reliability, consistency, reassurance and equal standards within the work that is performed. One of the first major breakthroughs regarding the expectation gap occurred in 1978. In that year the Cohen Commission identified several possible deficiencies in the auditor’s report which were hindering communications between the auditors and the users of the financial statements (Strawser, 1990). Some the areas which the Cohen suggested that improvement was need ed were: The auditors’ report has always been important since it provides valuable information regarding the validity of public financial information reported by companies. During the 1980’s and early 1990’s the globalization movement and the birth of the information age created a greater urgency to deal with the auditing expectation from private and public institutions. The globalization movement brought enormous opportunities for greater investments due to the free trade possibilities that came with it (Kasapidis, 1999). During this period a lot more individual and institutional investors needed the information to make reliable decisions on domestic and foreign investments. The auditing

Fundamentals of Reporting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Fundamentals of Reporting - Essay Example To my family, it keeps them together while apart, and for my friends it provides an opportunity to know the world beyond. The common denominator is that it can serve just as many purposes as those served by search engines. Social media and social connectivity have been interlinked at a personal level. Individuals across the world are using it for socialization purposes. Most importantly, constant communication is in that line. Information sending and receiving time has been brought down to seconds or even milliseconds, and users regard this as automated communication. Using social media for socialization has linked global societies, making them a single unit of global interaction and communication. Social media have timely been integrated into business practices. Friends, relatives, and the society at large market and make sales through social media. Players in the business environment have fundamentally used social media as a strategic business tool, ranging from product marketing to sales. This follows the fact that the social media fraternity is rapidly growing every minute, making it a rich ground where customers can be captured. In her response Stephanie Santana highlighted that messaging, voice communication and viewing of videos are the key variables that define the use of social media for whatever purpose. Information flow through social media is a rich ground for accessing and obtaining information. Students and colleagues more often than not want to log into their respective accounts to post questions, seek opinion or recommendations for school or work-related projects. Laque, a friend, noted, ‘search engines as sources of information are continually being replaced by social media’. Users of social media can individually or collectively obtain and/or access vast information that relate to any particular detail from anywhere around the world. Advice and recommendations available from other users make it effective

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Play review of Richard Nilson's Some Americans Abroad at Second Stage Essay

Play review of Richard Nilson's Some Americans Abroad at Second Stage Theater, New York - Essay Example The play revolves round Joe Taylor, who is the new head of the English department of a New England college, his colleagues and students. On the tour they race from one literary landmark to another. As they do so the director showcases the character of these people. They are shown as spineless, arrogant, penny pinching, pompous individuals who in spite of all the knowledge they have are quite ill-equipped to handle conflicts that arise when they come out of their orderly campus and step into the real world. Mr. Nelson’s script is finely crafted pointing out a basic fact concerning tourists. Tourists are often too busy rushing from one tourist attraction to another without actually seeing. Even though the script was written nearly twenty years ago, the story is still topical and interesting and does not appear outdated. The comic and the serious elements that run throughout the play make for some interesting viewing. Gordon Edelstein, the director, has been able to get some fine performances from the cast. The acting is strong throughout the play and all the characters, though stereotyped at times, come across as fully formed characters. They are convincing and professional in portraying their empty but complicated and tense lives. Tom Cavanagh is excellent as Joe Taylor, the department head, who is friendly but aloof. John Cunningham and Pamela Payton-Wright play the politically incorrect Anglophiles. Anthony Rapp is good as the timid Henry, who is shown taking desperate measures to save his job (even dressing like his boss). Emily Bergl, who plays Betty, Henrys loyal wife, has a small part to play but stands out in the crowd with a compelling performance that has bitterness and anger written all over it. John Cunningham, a veteran and seasoned actor is able to make the audience laugh as the retired department chair with a mean streak. All the characters have a common thread among them,

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Analysis of the Value at Risk (VaR) of a Portfolio of 4 Shares Essay

Analysis of the Value at Risk (VaR) of a Portfolio of 4 Shares - Essay Example This research will begin with the introduction of Value-at-Risk (VaR) as an established method for measuring market risk is an element of the advancement of risk management. The relevance of VaR has been extensive from its early use in security houses to profit-making banks and business and from marketplace risk to credit risk. Subsequent to the foreword in October 1994 by the Risk metrics by JP Morgan, the VaR is an assessment of the worst estimated failure that a firm may bear over a stage of time that has been particular by user, under standard market circumstances and a specific level of assurance. This evaluation may be attained in various ways, by means of a numerical model or by Computer calculated models. VaR is a calculation of market risk. It is the highest loss which can happen by incurring N % confidence above the property period of n days. VaR is the predictable loss of a portfolio over a particular time stage for a lay down level of probability. For instance, if every d ay VaR is declared as  £100,000 to a 95% level of confidence and throughout the day there is simply a 5% probability, then the next day loss is better than  £100,000. VaR dealings the potential failure in market value of a portfolio by means of expected instability and correlation. The â€Å"correlation† is considered as the correlation that is present between the market value of diverse appliance in a bank’s portfolio. VaR is considered inside a given confidence gap, typically 95% or 99%; it seeks to compute the probable losses from a place or portfolio under various normal situations. The description of regularity is vital and is fundamentally a statistical conception that varies by the organization and by risk management system. Considering merely, the most frequently used VaR models suppose that the price of resources in the financial markets go behind a standard distribution. To execute VaR, all of a firm’s situations data must be meet into one centrali zed database. Once this is absolute, the general risk has to be designed by combined risks from specified instruments within the whole portfolio. The possible shift in each gadget (that is the single risk factor) has to be incidental from past every day price movements above a given examination period. For dictatorial purpose, this stage is at least one year. Hence, the data where the VaR estimates are supported must confine all appropriate daily market shifts over the preceding year.   VaR is simply a measure of a bank’s risk experience; it an instrument for computing market risk experience. There is no one VaR integer for a single portfolio, as diverse methodologies used for scheming VaR produced dissimilar results. The VaR number confines only those risks that can be calculated in quantitative terms; it does not confine risk exposure such as prepared risk, liquidity risk, regulatory risk or autonomous risk. Assumption of Normality: An allocation is explained as usual, if there is greatest probability that any examination of the populace sample will have an importance that is

Monday, September 9, 2019

Blood Pressure and Electrocardiography Assignment

Blood Pressure and Electrocardiography - Assignment Example 1. Define diastolic blood pressure. "Diastolic" came from the Greek diastole meaning "a drawing apart." The term has been in use since the 16th century to denote the period of relaxation of the heart muscle. The diastolic pressure is specifically the minimum arterial pressure during relaxation and dilatation of the ventricles of the heart when the ventricles fill with blood. In a blood pressure reading, the diastolic pressure is typically the second number recorded. For example, with a blood pressure of 120/80 ("120 over 80"), the diastolic pressure is 80. By "80" is meant 80 mm Hg (millimeters of mercury). (Braunwald E, 2004; Moreno MN, 2006)) 2. Given a blood pressure of 125/80, what is the mean arterial pressure? Mean Arterial Pressure = DBP + 1/3(SBP-DBP) Given: SBP = 125 DBP = 80 80 + 1/3(125-80) = 95mmHg Electrocardiography 1. When the electrode pads are placed on the subject, where is the positive electrode placed? An electrocardiogram is obtained by measuring electrical potential between various points of the body using an amplifier. A lead records the electrical signals of the heart from a particular combination of recording electrodes which are placed at specific points on the patient's body. When a depolarization wavefront (or mean electrical vector) moves toward a positive electrode, it creates a positive deflection on the ECG in the corresponding lead.